A Better Approach to Holocaust Education
Made from a student perspective
Mission The first step in educating students on the Holocaust: know how to teach it. |
With the development of technology and the internet, there are many resources online to help educators teach on the Holocaust. What each of those lesson plans lack is a student's input, actual materials that students will respond to and use to deepen their understanding. With different plans created for different grade levels, a member of the Teen Board at Holocaust Museum Los Angeles has crafted this site to make Holocaust education more accessible, engaging, compassionate and comprehensive.
As the community of Holocaust survivors continues to dwindle, properly educating students on the Holocaust becomes more and more important. This generation is the first to learn how to teach the stories of the Holocaust without the survivors themselves.
With antisemitism poisoning the world on a daily basis, students must be taught effectively about the horrors of the past in order to avoid history repeating itself. Antisemitism not only stems from hate, but also largely stems from ignorance. In order to combat antisemitism, we must educate ourselves.